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  • Do you host birthday parties?
    Yes!! Birthday parties are welcome and the rates are the same as all rates listed on our Pricing page. Every group gets a couple picnic tables and you may decorate them however you wish. You may bring extra chairs if you'd like.
  • Can we bring our own food? Is there a place to eat? Do you offer/provide any food?
    You can bring any refreshments you'd like. We do allow alcohol, but ask that you are responsible. We reserve the right to ask you to stop and/or leave if you become belligerent and/or unsafe. We have many covered picnic tables for you to hang out and enjoy in between games. You don't need to reserve tables, we'll ensure you have some. Geppetto's and Marco's in Denver deliver here! We do offer some microwaveable items in the shop- chicken sandwiches, hot pockets, & burger sliders. We also have chips, candy, crackers, ice cream, freeze pops, water, Gatorade, Monster, and sodas. We have a large charcoal grill on hand you can use as well just bring what you need for it. We do not have a refrigerator for customers to use for cakes, drinks, etc.
  • What should I wear while playing paintball/airsoft?
    You're going to get shot...the more cover you have on, the better. Baggier clothing is better than tight clothes. Hoodies, sweatpants, long sleeves, gloves, etc.. Layers are best. PAINT WASHES OFF! Just wash sooner rather than later.
  • Do I need a reservation to come play and how do I make one?
    If you need rental equipment please make a reservation! ALL RESERVATIONS AND WAIVERS ARE DONE ON THIS WEBSITE. It does not cost anything to reserve for Saturdays or Sundays, you pay upon check-in. Click on the "Reserve Here" button on the homepage to view the different options, pricing, and to reserve on the calendar. Weekday (Mon-Fri) reservations require online payment for 10 people and booking at least 72 hours in advance. If you have less than 10 players you still receive ammo for 10. Our group rate for 10 people is $37 per person (see pricing page for details) so the deposit required upon booking is 10 x $37, plus processing fee= $380. Any additional players must be paid for at check-in day of. Deposits for weekday groups are only refundable if you cancel at least 24 hours before your reservation time.
  • How do Weekday reservations work?
    Weekday (Mon-Fri) reservations require online payment for 10 people and booking at least 72 hours in advance. If you have less than 10 players you still receive ammo for 10. Our group rate for 10 people is $37 per person (see pricing page for details) so the deposit required upon booking is 10 x $37, plus processing fee= $380. Any additional players must be paid for at check-in day of. Weekday deposits are only refundable if you cancel at least 24 hours before your reservation. All weekday groups are private with a dedicated ref, the prices are all the same as Weekend prices, listed on the pricing page. Weekday groups have 4 hours from the time of the reservation. All members of the group must be present before we give out equipment and get the games started, so everyone must be on time!!
  • I made a reservation online, how do I know it's confirmed? How do I change numbers if needed?
    When you make a reservation, you will receive a confirmation email. Check your "spam" box if you can't find it. You do not need to call or text with every player number update unless it is a drastic change (5+). We count the number of players in your group based on the number of waivers filled out for the group. This is why it's important you forward the link from your confirmation email to all participants so they can fill out their waivers asap. You may view the list of completed waivers linked to your reservation on your confirmation email.
  • This will be our first time here, how does it work?
    Individuals with your own paintball or airsoft equipment- complete the online waiver once per calendar year then you may show up as a walk-on. You will join in on any general population games announced all throughout the day, no specific game start times. Anyone needing rental equipment for paintball or airsoft- we prefer you to make a reservation through this website. Arrive by the time of your reservation. We start you when your whole group has arrived with waivers already filled out online (once per calendar year) and everyone has paid. Renters will start off by playing with whoever you came with for a game, then you will be mixed in with general population (other individuals, groups, and regulars). We'll organize and run continuous big, fair games with the general population throughout the day. Low Impact will of course only play with other low impact, and airsoft will only play with other airsofters. Refs are in control and keep the games fair, safe, and fun. We play whatever style of games people want, from just a "death match" of trying to shoot everyone on the other team, capture the flag, or protect the fort!
  • What do we do if it's raining? What is the weather policy?
    We never close based on the weather forecast for rain. We are still open on rainy days to see how it goes and we do allow play in the rain. We do have cover for in between games. If you're unsure whether to come play or reschedule please make your own decision based on the weather forecast on your weather app for Iron Station, NC. If it's not to your liking, we can always reschedule, just let us know ASAP if you want to cancel/reschedule. Once you've paid and started playing we do not give refunds due to weather.
  • What is the age requirement?
    For Regular Impact Paintball and Airsoft it's 10 years old and up. For Low Impact Paintball it's 6-9 year olds.
  • What is the difference between regular impact paintball and low impact paintball?
    Regular Impact Paintball is played with air powered "guns" that shoot marble sized, paint filled balls (.68 caliber), that break and splatter on you upon impact. They shoot around 280 feet per second and are for 10 years old and up. The Low Impact Paintball is an air powered gun as well, just smaller and shoots smaller (.50 cal) paintballs that shoot around 260 fps, and will hurt less. MAJORITY OF GROUP MUST BE AGES 6-9! Older friends/family in group are welcome to play as well.
  • What is airsoft?
    Airsoft is played with our battery/high pressure air powered guns, that shoot 6mm plastic biodegradable bb's. They are NOT "soft", they still sting like a paintball. They shoot at 350-450 feet per second and are for 10 years old and up. There's no paint breaking on you like paintball, so it's more honor system of when you feel the hit, you call yourself out.
  • Does paintball/airsoft hurt?
    Yes, it can hurt somewhat. It can be described as a slight toe stub, or getting popped with a rubberband. You might feel a "sting" or just a dull thud. Obviously getting hit on bare skin will hurt more than clothing, so cover up!
  • How many playing fields do you have?
    We have 7 fields. A Hyperball course made with all sizes of large corrugated pipes set up "speedball" style. An open field, "City" urban style with bunkers, buses, and cars. Five woods area courses filled with bunkers/forts- 1 acre "Mini Woods", 2.5 acre "Small Woods", 3 acre "Fort Flores", 4 acre woods "Murder Mountain", and 5 acre "Big Woods". You will get to play on each course throughout the day.
  • Do you offer any memberships or discounts of any kind?
    We offer a yearly membership for those with their own equipment for paintball or airsoft. Cost is $350 for unlimited entries and air fill, good for one year from date of purchase. We also have a customer loyalty punch card for those with their own equipment. Pay $20 entry for 4 visits, then your 5th visit is FREE! Then get a new card and start over at your next visit. Also, anyone that would like to help with course work can earn discounted/free entries based on work done.
  • What are the rules for paintball and airsoft?
    Please go to our website menu and see "Paintball Rules" or "Airsoft Rules". Any rental players will watch a video explaining the safety rules, playing rules, and how the equipment works before playing.
  • Can we bring our own paintballs/bbs?
    You may not bring your own paintballs. For insurance purposes you are required to only use paint purchased at our facility, so it's controlled and safe. Also, we're here to make money and stay open, so don't support the big box corporate stores. Buy local! You are allowed to bring your own bb's as long as they are biodegradeable.
  • Do you have high pressure air or CO2?
    We only provide High Pressure Air, NOT C02. If you are playing then the air is included in your entry fee. If you just come by to get tanks filled we charge $5 per every 2 tanks- within reasonable size, such as 48 cubic inch & 68 cubic inch tanks.
  • Do parents/guardians need to stay with their children or can we drop them off?
    You may drop them off. As long as the online waiver has been completed for them and they have paid their entry, parents are not required to stay and supervise. We are not a babysitting service, but as long as the child is responsible it is fine for them to be here on their own. We have referees keeping them playing and keeping them safe.
  • Is there anywhere to change clothes or go to the bathroom?
    Yes, we have two restrooms, large enough to change clothes in.
  • What form of payment do you accept?
    Cash (gives you a discount!), ALL credit/debit cards, Apple Pay, & Google Pay.
  • Where are you located?
    We're located at 6237 Old Plank Rd. Iron Station NC 28080. In between Mariposa Rd. and Clearbrook Ln... Just SW of Lake Norman off of HWY 73 and Ingleside Farm Rd. Closest known land mark is East Lincoln High School.
  • How can I contact y'all?
    If you still have questions after reading the FAQ page here, you can call or text 704-748-2617 (texting is best as we are not always available to answer). Can also email at or contact us through website below here. BUT PLEASE READ ALL FAQ & pricing page, they answer anything you might need.

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